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Run transactions


As discussed previously, the transaction syntax is consistent through the various transaction environments. However, when sending the transaction across a specific environment, certain conditions apply, depending on the framework's capability of processing the information and the route of the transaction.


The transaction itself is not different and will produce the same result, but the way the framework processes the transaction might differ depending on the environment.

Smart contract

From the smart contract point of view, the transaction ends when specifying the transaction type (sync/async call).


Executes the transaction asynchronously and exits after execution.

    self.tx() // tx with sc environment
.claim_tokens(token_id, token_nonce, caller)
.async_call_and_exit(); // async call and stop execution

In this case, the function async_call_and_exit marks the end of the transaction and executes it asynchronously. After the transaction is executed, the never type is returned, marking the end of the execution.


Sends a transaction synchronously.

.tx() // tx with sc environment
.retrieve_funds(token, token_nonce, amount)
.sync_call(); // synchronous call


Upgrades contract asynchronously and exits after execution.

    self.tx() // tx with sc environment
.upgrade(opt_arg) // calling the upgrade function
.upgrade_async_call_and_exit(); // upgrades async and exits


Executes the transaction synchronously on the same context (in the name of the caller).

.tx() // tx with sc environment
.sync_call_same_context(); // sync call in the same context


Executes the transaction synchronously, in readonly mode (target contract cannot have its state altered).

    let result = self
.tx() // tx with sc environment
.returns(ReturnsRawResult) // result handler - returns raw result data
.sync_call_readonly(); // sync call in readonly mode


Sends transaction asynchronously, and doesn't wait for callback.

.single_esdt(&token, 0u64, &amount)


Same as transfer_execute, but only allowed for simple transfers.


async_call, async_call_promise

Backwards compatibility only.


For the moment, the functions async_call and async_call_promise exist for backwards compatibility reasons only. These functions do NOT execute a transaction, they just return the current object state. Delete them from existing codebases.

Integration test

For the Rust testing environment, the only keyword for sending transactions is run. Inside an integration test, a developer can build a transaction, choose the return type and then run it, marking the end of the transaction and the start of the execution.

    world // ScenarioWorld instance
.query() // query with test environment
.returns(ExpectValue(6u32)) // result handler - assert return value
.run(); // runs the query step

In this case, regarding of the type of the transaction (raw call, deploy, upgrade, query), it eventually turns into a scenario Step (ScQueryStep, ScCallStep, ScDeployStep) and it is processed as such.


Async Rust

In the case of the interactor, the processing is similar to the integration test, with the exception that the interactor is using async Rust. First, the transaction is built, then it is turned into a Step using the prepare_async function, then we can run it and await the result.

    self.interactor // Interactor instance
.tx() // tx with interactor exec environment
.dns_register(dns_address, name)
.prepare_async() // converts tx into step
.run() // runs the step
.await; // awaits the result - async Rust

Sync Rust

We also have a plan for adding support for a blocking interactor API, but this is currently not availalbe.

Feature table

This table shows what transaction fields are mandatory, optional, or disallowed, in order to run a transaction.

EnvironmentRun methodFromToPaymentGasDataResult Handler
SC: callasync_call_and_exitFC or ()callback only
SC: callregister_promiseFCcallbacks only, with gas for callback
SC: calltransfer_executeFC or ()
SC: calltransfer()
SC: callsync_call🟡FC
SC: callsync_call_same_context🟡FC
SC: callsync_call_readonly🟡FC
SC: deploysync_callimg🟡deploy
SC: upgradeupgrade_async_call_and_exitimg🟡upgradecallback only
Test: tx callrun🟡FC or ()
Test: tx deployrunimg🟡deploy
Test: queryrunFC
Interactor: tx callrun🟡FC or ()
Interactor: tx deployrunimg🟡deploy
Interactor: queryrunFC


Mandatory, any allowed value type
Not allowed
imgEGLD only
FCFunction Call