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Legacy SC calls

Deprecated, kept for backwards compatibility

This is the old contract call syntax, which was in use before the introduction of the unified transaction syntax.

All of the objects described in this page are deprecated since version 0.49.0.


There are methods with the same names and arguments in the new syntax, added for backwards compatibility, but they don't construct the same object anymore.


Unless you are still working on a project that predates 0.49.0, you should disregard this page.

Even if you do work on an old project, you should strive to upgrade it to at least 0.50.0 and migrate the syntax.


As programmers, we are used to calling functions all the time. Smart contract calls, however, are slightly trickier. Beside code execution, there can also be transfers of EGLD and ESDT tokens involved, gas needs to be specificed, and, finally, there are different flavors of calls.

Any system for composing and sending these calls needs to be very versatile, to cater to all of the programmers' various needs.

It is not so important where that call comes from. Very often we need to call smart contracts from other smart contracts. However, testing systems and blockchain interactors also greatly benefit from such a system.

The system we present below works just as well on- and off-chain. Think of it as a general Rust framework for specifying and sending calls in any context.


The more primitive way to perform these calls is to just use the API methods directly, to serialize arguments in code and to specify endpoints as strings. But this does not give the compiler a chance to verify the correctness of the calls, and is very limited in how much we configure the call. It also normally leads to a lot of code duplication. For this reason we recommend always using contract call syntax when formatting transactions.

Contract calls: base

Smart contract calls at the blockchain level have no notion of arity, or data types. That is, the blockchain itself does not validate the number of arguments (or results), and each of these only appear as raw binary data fields.

It is the contract that keeps track of the number of arguments, and deserializes them. If a transaction has the wrong number of arguments, it is only the contract itself that will be able to complain. If the types are off, it is only during deserialization that the contract will know.

The description of a smart contract's inputs is known as the ABI, and lives off-chain. In short, the ABI is a collection of endpoint names, with argument names and type descriptions. To be able to effectively call a smart contract, it is useful to know its ABI.

The equivalent of the ABI in the Rust world is a a helper trait, called a proxy. All it does is that it provides a typed interface to any smart contract, it takes the typed arguments and it serializes them according to the MultiversX serialization format.

Let's take this very simple example:


Here, we have a proxy to the adder contract. The add method doesn't call the smart contract directly. Instead, it produces a contract call object that contains the data field add@03, which is something that the blockchain can make sense of. We will see later how this contract call can end up actually being executed. But until then, let's see how we can get hold of one of these proxies.

This guide provides some examples on how to call a contract from another contract. More examples can be found in the contract composability feature tests.

There are three ways of doing these calls:

  • importing the callee contract's source code and using the auto-generated proxy (recommended)
  • writing the proxy manually
  • manually serializing the function name and arguments (not recommended)

Proxies from contracts

Whenever a smart contract is compiled, a proxy is also generated alongside it. This generated proxy is invisible, it comes from the procedural macros of the framework, specifically #[multiversx_sc::contract] and #[multiversx_sc::module].

This means that if you have access to the crate of the target contract, you can simply import it, and you get access to the generated proxy automatically.

path = "relative-path-to-contract-crate"

Contract and module crates can be imported just like any other Rust crates either by:

  • relative path;
  • crate version, if it is released;
  • git branch, tag or commit.

Relative paths are the most common for contracts in the same workspace.

If the contract has modules with functionality that you may want to call, you will also need to import those.

If the modules are in different crates than the target contract (and if the target contract doesn't somehow re-export them), you'll also have to add the module to the dependencies, the same way you added the target contract.

These proxies are traits, just like the contracts themselves. The implementation is produced automatically, but nonetheless, this means that in order to call them, the proxy trait must be in scope. This is why you will see such imports everywhere these proxies are called:

use module_namespace::ProxyTrait as _;

If you use the rust-analyser VSCode extension, it might complain that it can't find this, but if you actually build the contract, the compiler can find it just fine.

Once you've imported the contract and any external modules it might use, you have to declare a proxy creator function in the contract:

fn callee_contract_proxy(&self, callee_sc_address: ManagedAddress) -> contract_namespace::Proxy<Self::Api>;

This function doesn't do much, it just tries to sort out the proxy trait imports, and neatly initializes the proxy for you.

This function creates an object that contains all the endpoints of the callee contract, and it handles the serialization automatically.

Let's say you have the following endpoint in the contract you wish to call:

fn callee_endpoint(&self, arg: BigUint) -> BigUint {
// implementation

To call this endpoint, you would write something like:


We'll talk about async_call and call_and_exit later on.


Importing a smart contract crate only works if both contracts use the exact framework version. Otherwise, the compiler will (rightfully) complain that the interfaces do not perfectly match.

In case the target contract is not under our control, it is often wiser to just manually compose the proxy of interest.

Manually specified proxies

If we don't want to have a dependency to the target contract crate, or there is no access to this crate altogether, it is always possible for us to create such a proxy manually. This might also be desirable if the framework versions of the two contracts are different, or not under our control.

Below we have an example of such a proxy:

mod callee_proxy {

pub trait CalleeContract {
fn my_payable_endpoint(&self, arg: BigUint) -> BigUint;

The syntax is almost the same as for contracts, except the endpoints have no implementation.


Just like with smart contracts and modules, proxy declarations need to reside in their own module. This can either be a separate file, or an explicit declaration, like mod callee_proxy {} above.

This is because there is quite a lot of code generated in the background that would interfere otherwise.

Manually declared proxies are no different from the auto-generated ones, so calling them looks the same.

fn callee_contract_proxy(&self, sc_address: ManagedAddress) -> callee_proxy::Proxy<Self::Api>;

No proxy

The point of the proxies is to help us build contract calls in a type-safe manner. But this is by no means compulsory. Sometimes we specifically want to build contract calls manually and serialize the arguments ourselves.

We are looking to create a ContractCallNoPayment object. We'll discuss how to add the payments later.

The ContractCallNoPayment has two type arguments: the API and the expected return type. If we are in a contract, the API will always be the same as for the entire contract. To avoid having to explicitly specify it, we can use the following syntax:

let mut contract_call = self.send()
.contract_call::<ResultType>(to, endpoint_name);

If we are trying to create the same object outside of a smart contract, we do not have the self.send() API available, but we can always use the equivalent syntax:

let mut contract_call = ContractCallNoPayment::<StaticApi, ResultType>::new(to, endpoint_name);


Up to here we have created a contract call without payment, so an object of type ContractCallNoPayment, in the following ways:

Contract calls: payments

Now that we specified the recipient address, the function and the arguments, it is time to add more configurations: token transfers and gas.

Let's assume we want to call a #[payable] endpoint, with this definition:

fn my_payable_endpoint(&self, arg: BigUint) -> BigUint {
let payment = self.call_value().any_payment();
// ...

More on payable endpoints and simple transfers here. This section refers to transfers during contract calls only.

EGLD transfer

To add EGLD transfer to a contract call, simply append .with_egld_transfer to the builder pattern.


Note that this method returns a new type of object, ContractCallWithEgld, instead of ContractCallNoPayment. Having multiple contract call types has multiple advantages:

  • We can restrict at compile time what methods are available in the builder. For instance, it is possible to add ESDT transfers to ContractCallNoPayment, but not to ContractCallWithEgld. We thus no longer need to enforce at runtime the restriction that EGLD and ESDT cannot coexist. This restriction is also more immediately obvious to developers.
  • The contracts end up being smaller, because the compiler knows which kinds of transfers occur in the contract, and which do not. For instance, if a contract only ever transfers EGLD, there is not need for the code that prepares ESDT transfers in the contract. If the check had been done only at runtime, this optimisation would not have been possible.

ESDT transfers

On the MultiversX blockchain, you can transfer multiple ESDT tokens at once. We create a single ESDT transfer type which works for both single- and multi-transfers. It is called ContractCallWithMultiEsdt.

We can obtain such and object by starting with a ContractCallNoPayment and calling with_esdt_transfer once, or several times. The first such call will yield the ContractCallWithMultiEsdt, while subsequent calls simply add more ESDT transfers.

A note on arguments

There is more than one way to provide the arguments to with_esdt_transfer:

  • as a tuple of the form (token_identifier, nonce, amount);
  • as a EsdtTokenPayment object.

They contain the same data, but sometimes it is more convenient to use one, sometimes the other.


let esdt_token_payment = self.call_value().single_esdt();

.with_esdt_transfer((token_identifier_1, 0, 100_000u32.into()))
.with_esdt_transfer((token_identifier_2, 1, 1u32.into()))

In this example we passed the arguments both as a tuple and as an EsdtTokenPayment object. As we can see, when we already have an EsdtTokenPayment variable, it is easier to just pass it as it is.

It is also possible to pass multiple ESDT transfers in one go, as follows:


where payments is a ManagedVec of EsdtTokenPayment.

Mixed transfers

Sometimes we don't know at compile time what kind of transfers we are going to perform. For this reason, we also provide contract call types that work with both EGLD and ESDT tokens.

First, we have the single transfer ContractCallWithEgldOrSingleEsdt, which can only handle a single ESDT transfer or EGLD. It used to be more popular before we introduced wrapped EGLD, but nowadays for most DeFi applications it is more convenient to just work with WEGLD and disallow EGLD transfers.

let payment = self.call_value().egld_or_single_esdt();

The most general such object is ContractCallWithAnyPayment, which can take any payment possible on the blockchain: either EGLD, or one or more ESDTs.

let payments = self.call_value().any_payment();


To recap, these are all the various ways in which we can specify value transfers for a contract call:

Contract calls: gas

Specifying gas is fairly straightforward. All contract call objects have a with_gas_limit method, so gas can be specified at any point.

Not all contract calls require explicit specification of the gas limit, leaving it out is sometimes fine. Notably:

  • async calls will halt execution and consume all the remaining gas, so specifying the gas limit is not necessary for them;
  • synchronous calls will by default simply use all the available gas as the upper limit, since unspent gas is returned to the caller anyway.

On the other hand, promises and transfer-execute calls do require gas to be explicitly specified.


Contract calls: execution

There are several ways in which contract calls are launched from another contract. Currently they are:

  • asynchronous calls:
    • single asynchronous calls:
    • promises (multiple asynchronous calls),
    • transfer-execute calls,
  • synchronous calls:
    • executed on destination context,
    • executed on destination context, readonly,
    • executed on same context.

Out of these, the asynchronous calls and the promises need some additional configuration, whereas the other can be launched right away.

Asynchronous calls

To perform an asynchronous call, the contract call needs to be first converted to an AsyncCall object, which holds additional configuration. All contract call objects have an async_call method that does this.

To finalize the call, you will need to call .call_and_exit(). At this point the current execution is terminated and the call launched.

A minimal asynchronous call could look like this:

fn caller_endpoint(&self) {
// other code here



But before sending the asynchronous call, we most likely will want to also configure a callback for it. This is the only way that our contract will be able to react to the outcome of its execution.

Let's imagine that callee_endpoint returns a BigUint, and we want to do something if the result is even, and something else if the result is odd. We also want to do some cleanup in case of error. Our callback function would look something like this:

fn callee_endpoint_callback(
#[call_result] result: ManagedAsyncCallResult<BigUint>
) {
match result {
ManagedAsyncCallResult::Ok(value) => {
if value % 2 == 0 {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
ManagedAsyncCallResult::Err(err) => {
// log the error in storage

The #[call_result] argument interprets the output of the called endpoint and must almost always be of type ManagedAsyncCallResult. This type decodes the error status from the VM, more about it here. Its type argument must match the return type of the called endpoint.

To assign this callback to the aforementioned async call, we hook it after async_call, but before call_and_exit:

fn caller_endpoint(&self) {
// previous code here


Callbacks should be prevented from failing, at all costs. Failed callbacks cannot be executed again, and can often lead smart contracts into a state of limbo, from where it is difficult to recover.

For this reason we recommend keeping callback code as simple as possible.

Callbacks can also receive payments, both EGLD and ESDT. They are always payable, there is never any need to annotate them with ``#[payable]`. They will receive payments if the called contract sends back tokens to the caller. In this case, they can query the received payments, just like a regular payable endpoint would.

fn callee_endpoint_callback(&self, #[call_result] result: ManagedAsyncCallResult<BigUint>) {
let payment = self.call_value().any_payment();

// ...
Note on implementation

Even though, in theory, smart contract can only have ONE callback function, the Rust framework handles this for you by saving an ID for the callback function in storage when you fire the async call, and it knows how to retrieve the ID and call the correct function once the call returns.

The callback closure

Assume there is some additional context that we want to pass from our contract directly to the callback. We cannot rely on the called contract to do the job for us, we want to be in full control of this context.

This context forms the contents of our callback closure.

More specifically, all callback arguments other than the #[call_result] will be passed to it before launching the call, they will be saved by the framework in the contract storage automatically, then given to the callback and deleted.


fn callee_endpoint_callback(
original_caller: ManagedAddress,
#[call_result] result: ManagedAsyncCallResult<BigUint>
) {
match result {
ManagedAsyncCallResult::Ok(value) => {
if value % 2 == 0 {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
ManagedAsyncCallResult::Err(err) => {
// log the error in storage

To assign this callback to the aforementioned async call, we hook it like this:

fn caller_endpoint(&self) {
// other code here
let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();


Notice how the callback now has an argument:


You can then use original_caller in the callback like any other function argument.


Promises (or multi-async calls) are a new feature that will be introduced in mainnet release 1.6. They are very similar to the old asynchronous calls, with the following differences:

  • launching them does not terminate current execution;
  • there can be several launched from the same transaction.

Because this feature is currently not available on mainnet, contracts need to enable the "promises" feature flag in Cargo.toml to use the functionality:

version = "0.43.3"
features = ["promises"]

This is to protect developers from accidentally creating contracts that depend on unreleased features.

The syntax is also very similar. The same example from above looks like this with promises:

fn caller_endpoint(&self) {
// other code here
let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();


fn callee_endpoint_callback(
original_caller: ManagedAddress,
#[call_result] result: ManagedAsyncCallResult<BigUint>
) {
match result {
ManagedAsyncCallResult::Ok(value) => {
if value % 2 == 0 {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
ManagedAsyncCallResult::Err(err) => {
// log the error in storage

The differences are:

  • Calling async_call_promise instead of async_call.
  • Calling register_promise instead of call_and_exit. This one does not terminate execution.
  • Annotation #[promises_callback] instead of #[callback].
  • We need to specify the gas for the call, because the execution of our transaction will continue and it needs to know how much gas it can keep.
  • We need to specify the amount of gas for the callback. This is the exact amount of gas reserved for the callback, irrespective of how much the target contract consumes.


Transfer-execute calls are similar to asynchronous calls, but they can have no callback, thus the caller cannot react in any way to what happens with the callee.

Just like promises, there can be multiple such calls launched from a transaction, but unlike promises, these are already available on mainnet.

Transfer-execute calls do not need any further configuration (other than an explicit gas limit), therefore there is no specific object type associated with them. They can be launched immediately:


Synchronous calls

Synchronous calls are executed inline: this means execution is interrupted while they are executed and resumed afterwards. We also get the result of the execution right away and we can use it immediately in the transaction.


Synchronous calls can only be sent to contracts in the same shard as the caller. They will fail otherwise.

Synchronous calls also do not need any further configuration, the call is straightforward:

let result: BigUint = self.callee_contract_proxy(callee_sc_address)


let result = self.callee_contract_proxy(callee_sc_address)

We always need to specify the type that we want for the result. The framework will type-check that the requested result is compatible with the original one, but will not impose it upon us. For example, an endpoint might return a u32 result, but we might choose to deserialize it as u64 or BigUint. This is fine, since the types have similar semantics and the same representation. On the other hand, casting it to a ManagedBuffer will not be allowed.

The method execute_on_dest_context is by far the more common when performing synchronous calls. The other alternatives are:

  • execute_on_dest_context_readonly - enforces that the target contract does not change state, at blockchain level;
  • execute_on_same_context - useful for library-like contracts, all changes are saved in the caller instead of the called contract.


To sum it all up, if we have a contract call object in a smart contract, these are the things that we can do to it:

Contract calls: complete diagram

To sum it all up, to properly set up a contract call from a contract, one needs to:

  1. Get hold of a proxy.
  2. Call it to get a basic contract call object.
  3. Optionally, add EGLD or ESDT token transfers to it.
  4. Optionally, also specify a gas limit for the call.
  5. Launch it, either synchronously or asynchronously, in any one of a variety of flavors.

Merging all these elements into one grand diagram, we get the following:

Contract deploy: base

A close relative of the contract call is the contract deploy call. It models the deployment or the upgrade of a smart contract.

It shares a lot in common with the contract calls, with these notable differences:

  • The endpoint name is always init.
  • No ESDT transfers are allowed in init.
  • They get executed slightly differently.

The object encoding these calls is called ContractDeploy. Unlike the contract calls, there is a single such object.

Creating this object is done in a similar fashion: either via proxies, or manually. Constructors in proxies naturally produce ContractDeploy objects:

mod callee_proxy {

pub trait CalleeContract {
fn init(&self, arg: BigUint) -> BigUint;

Contract deploy: configuration

Just like with regular contract calls, we can specify the gas limit and perform EGLD transfers as part of the deploy as follows:



Contract deploy: execution


There are several ways to launch a contract deploy, different from a regular contract call.

The simplest deploy operation we can perform is simply calling deploy_contract:

let (new_address, result)  = self.callee_contract_proxy()
.deploy_contract::<ResultType>(code, code_metadata);

Contract deploys always happen in the same shard as the deployer. They are therefore always synchronous calls and we get the result right away. Just like for execute_on_dest_context we need to either write a result with an explicit result type, or give the result type as type argument.

Contract upgrades, on the other hand, can be sent to a different shard, and are therefore in essence asynchronous calls.

The methods for executing contract deploys are as follows:

  • .deploy_contract(code, code_metadata) - deploys a new contract with the code given by the contract.
  • .deploy_from_source(source_address, code_metadata) - deploys a new contract with the same code as the code of the contract at source_address. The advantage is that the contract doesn't need to handle the new contract code, which could be quite a large data blob. This saves gas. It requires that we have the code already deployed somewhere else.


To upgrade the contract we also need to specify the recipient address when setting up the ContractDeploy object, like so:

.init(123, 456)
.upgrade_contract(code, code_metadata);

Note the .contract(...) method call.

Just like deploy, upgrade also comes in two flavors:

  • .upgrade_contract(code, code_metadata) - upgrades the target contract to the new code and sets the new code metadata.
  • .upgrade_from_source(source_address, code_metadata) - updates the target contract with the same code as the code of the contract at source_address.