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Among the seven distinct generics defining a transaction, To signifies the third generic field - the entity that receives the transaction. With the exception of deployments, it is required to be specified for every transaction in any environment.


The sender is being set using the .to(...) method. Several types can be specified:

No recipient

Across the three distinct environments in which a transaction can be initialised, deploy, also known as the init function, stands alone as the only invocation that cannot designate the recipient.

fn deploy() {
.new_address(DEPLOY_ADDRESS) // Sets the new mock address to be used for the newly deployed contract.

Explicit recipient

Transactions, excluding deployments, require the designation of a recipient. This means that most transaction calls must utilise the .to method, explicitly specifying the receiving entity.

In the subsequent section, we will go into the various data types that are permissible for recipient nomination.


Below there is an interactor that funds a specific contract with an amount of EGLD. The recipient contract is instantiated as an address object within the interactor's context.

async fn feed_contract_egld(&mut self) {

This function, which is a sample from a blackbox test, increases a value and sends it to a particular wallet. This example specifically focuses on the .to call, which establishes the receiver. In this case, it is a hardcoded ManagedAddress instance.

fn add_one(&mut self, from: &AddressValue) {
let to_wallet: ManagedAddress<StaticApi> = ManagedAddress::new_from_bytes(&[7u8; 32]);


For parametric testing, there are particular address types. TestSCAddress encodes a dummy smart contract address, equivalent to "sc:{}"; For the example below it is equivalent to "sc:example_contract";

  • contains two functions:
    • .eval_to_array() parses the address into an array of u8.
    • .eval_to_expr() returns the address as a string object.
    • .to_address() returns the actual Address object.

The following example is a fragment from a blackbox test designed for Price Aggregator Smart Contract (code available here). This function simulates the staking of an amount of EGLD within the Price Aggregator Smart Contract.

const STAKE_AMOUNT: u64 = 20;
const PRICE_AGGREGATOR_ADDRESS: TestSCAddress = TestSCAddress::new("price-aggregator");

fn stake(&mut self) {


In order to avoid repeated conversions, it keeps the Bech32 representation inside. It wraps the address and presents it as a Bech32 expression.

The example below is a piece of an interactor for the Adder Smart Contract (code available here). The aim of the function is to print the total sum of the contract. The receiver is set via the Bech32Address variable.

async fn print_sum(&mut self, adder_address: &Bech32Address) {
let sum = self

println!("sum: {sum}");

Special recipient


This type indicates the system smart contract address, which is the same on any MultiversX blockchain.

  • .to_managed_address(): converts the addresse to ManagedAddress.
  • .to_bech32_str(): returns the str value of the address.
  • .to_bech32_string(): returns the String value of the address.

The next example represents a part of a smart contract whose aim is to issue semi-fungible tokens. The call is made via a system proxy for the ESDT system smart contract. More details regarding the system proxy can be found here TBD.

fn sft_issue(
issue_cost: BigUint<SA>,
token_display_name: ManagedBuffer<SA>,
token_ticker: ManagedBuffer<SA>,
) -> IssueCallTo<SA> {


It indicates that the transaction should be sent to itself.

The following lines illustrate an example of changing attributes of an NFT via a system proxy function.

pub fn nft_update_attributes<T: codec::TopEncode>(
token_id: &TokenIdentifier<A>,
nft_nonce: u64,
new_attributes: &T,
) {
.nft_update_attributes(token_id, nft_nonce, new_attributes)


It indicates that the transaction should be sent to the caller, which is the sender of the current transaction.

The next example is a snippet from an endpoint that transfers ESDT to the sender of the transaction.

self.tx().to(ToCaller).single_esdt(&id, nonce, &BigUint::from(1u8)).transfer();