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Staking smart contract tutorial


This tutorial aims to teach you how to write a simple staking contract, and to illustrate and correct the common pitfalls new smart contract developers might fall into.

If you find anything not answered here, feel free to ask further questions on the MultiversX Developers Telegram channel:


First and foremost, you need to have mxpy installed. You can follow the installation guide here. If you already have mxpy installed, make sure to update it to the latest version, using the same instructions as for the installation.


We're going to use mxpy for interacting with our contracts, so if you need more details about some of the steps we will perform, you can check here for more detailed explanations regarding what each command does.


Once you have mxpy installed, you also have to install Rust through it, and the VM tools for testing:

mxpy deps install rust

mxpy deps install vmtools --overwrite

If you installed Rust already without mxpy, you might run into some issues when building your smart contracts. It's recommended to uninstall Rust, and install it through mxpy instead.

Example of error:

error[E0554]: #![feature] may not be used on the stable release channel
--> /home/user/multiversx-sdk/vendor-rust/registry/src/

VSCode and rust-analyser extension


Assuming you're on Ubuntu, download the .deb version. Go to that folder:

  • open folder in terminal
  • run the following command: sudo dpkg -i downloaded_file_name


MultiversX VSCode extension:

Both can be easily installed from the "Extensions" menu in VSCode.

Creating the contract

Run the following command in the folder in which you want your smart contract to be created:

mxpy contract new --name staking-contract --template empty

Open VSCode, select File -> Open Folder, and open the newly created staking-contract folder.

You should then have the following structure:

For now, comment all the code in the ./tests/ file (ctrl + "A", then ctrl + "/"). Otherwise, it will keep popping up errors as we modify the contract's code.

Setting up the workspace

Now, to have all the extensions work properly, we have to set up our workspace. This is done by pressing ctrl + shift + P and selecting the "MultiversX: Setup Workspace" option from the menu. Choose the "Yes" option on the pop-up menu.

Now let's open the MultiversX VSCode extension and try building our contract, to see if everything is properly set up. Go to the extension's tab, right-click on "staking-contract" and select the "Build Contract" option:

Alternatively, you can run mxpy --verbose contract build yourself from the VSCode terminal. The command should be run inside the staking-contract folder.

After the building has completed, our folder should look like this:

A new folder, called output was created, which contains the compiled contract code. More on this is used later. For now, let's continue.

Your first lines of Rust

Currently, we just have an empty contract. Not very useful, is it? So let's add some simple code for it. Since this is a staking contract, we'd expect to have a stake function, right?

First, remove all the code in the ./src/ file and replace it with this:



pub trait StakingContract {
fn init(&self) {}

fn stake(&self) {}

Since we want this function to be callable by users, we have to annotate it with #[endpoint]. Also, since we want to be able to receive a payment, we mark it also as #[payable("EGLD)]. For now, we'll use EGLD as our staking token.


The contract does NOT need to be payable for it to receive payments on endpoint calls. The payable flag at contract level is only for receiving payments without endpoint invocation.

Now, it's time to add an implementation for the function. We need to see how much a user paid, and save their staking information in storage. We end up with this code:



pub trait StakingContract {
fn init(&self) {}

fn stake(&self) {
let payment_amount = self.call_value().egld_value().clone_value();
require!(payment_amount > 0, "Must pay more than 0");

let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();

fn staked_addresses(&self) -> UnorderedSetMapper<ManagedAddress>;

fn staking_position(&self, addr: ManagedAddress) -> SingleValueMapper<BigUint>;

require! is a macro that is a shortcut for if !condition { signal_error(msg) }. Signalling an error will terminate the execution and revert any changes made to the internal state, including token transfers from and to the SC. In this case, there is no reason to continue if the user did not pay anything.

We've also added #[view] annotation for the storage mappers, so we can later perform queries on those storage entries. You can read more about annotations here.

Also, if you're confused about some of the functions used or the storage mappers, you can read more here:

Now, I've intentionally written some bad code here. Can you spot the improvements we can make?

Firstly, the last clone is not needed. If you clone variables all the time, then you need to take some time to read the Rust ownership chapter of the Rust book: and also about the implications of cloning types from the Rust framework:

Secondly, the staking_position does not need an owned value of the addr argument. We can take a reference instead.

And lastly, there's a logic error. What happens if a user stakes twice? That's right, their position will be overwritten with the newest value. So instead, we need to add the newest stake amount over their current amount, using the update method.

After fixing the above problems, we end up with the following code:



pub trait StakingContract {
fn init(&self) {}

fn stake(&self) {
let payment_amount = self.call_value().egld_value().clone_value();
require!(payment_amount > 0, "Must pay more than 0");

let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();
.update(|current_amount| *current_amount += payment_amount);

fn staked_addresses(&self) -> UnorderedSetMapper<ManagedAddress>;

fn staking_position(&self, addr: &ManagedAddress) -> SingleValueMapper<BigUint>;

What's with the empty init function?

Every smart contract needs to have a function annotated with #[init]. This function is called on deploy and upgrade. For now, we need no logic inside it, but we still need to have this function.

Creating a devnet wallet


You can skip this section if you already have a devnet wallet setup.

Let's create a devnet wallet. Access the Web Wallet, and select "create new wallet". Save your 24 words (in the given order!), and create a password for your keystore file.

Now, we could use the keystore file with a password, but it's more convenient to use a PEM file. To generate the PEM file from your secret phrase, follow these instructions:

TL;DR: open the terminal and run the following command. Write your secret phrase words in order:

mkdir -p ~/MyTestWallets
mxpy wallet convert --in-format=raw-mnemonic --out-format=pem --outfile=~/MyTestWallets/tutorialKey.pem

You have to press "space" between the words, not "enter"!

Deploying the contract on devnet

Now that we've created a wallet, it's time to deploy our contract. Make sure you build the contract before deploying it. Open a command line and run the following command:

mxpy --verbose contract deploy --bytecode=~/Projects/tutorials/staking-contract/output/staking-contract.wasm \
--recall-nonce --pem=~/Downloads/tutorialKey.pem \
--gas-limit=10000000 \
--send --outfile="deploy-devnet.interaction.json" --wait-result \
--proxy= --chain=D

If you wanted to use testnet, the proxy would be "" and the chain ID would be "T". For mainnet, it would be "" and chain ID "1".

More details can be found here.

The things you need to edit are the CLI parameters --pem and --bytecode with your local paths.

Account was not found? But I just created the wallet!

You're going to see an error like the following:

CRITICAL:cli:Proxy request error for url []: {'data': None, 'error': 'transaction generation failed: account not found for address erd1... and shard 1, err: account was not found', 'code': 'internal_issue'}

This is because your account has no EGLD in it, so as far as the blockchain is concerned, the account does not exist, as it has no transactions from or to it.

But still, how come you're seeing the contract's address if the deployment failed?

INFO:cli.contracts:Contract address: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqq...
INFO:utils:View this contract address in the MultiversX Devnet Explorer:

This is because contract addresses are calculated from the deployer's address and their current account nonce. They are not random. So mxpy calculates the address beforehand and displays it in the terminal. Additionally, the deployed contract is always in the same shard as the deployer.

Getting EGLD on devnet

There are many ways of getting EGLD on devnet:

Getting EGLD through devnet wallet

Go to and login to your devnet account with your PEM file. On the left side menu, select the "faucet" option:

Request the tokens. After a couple seconds, refresh the page, and you should have 30 xEGLD in your wallet.

Getting EGLD through external faucet

Go to and submit a request:

Make sure you selected "devnet" and input your address! It might take a bit depending on how "busy" the faucet is.

Deploying the contract, second try

Now that the blockchain knows about our account, it's time to try the deploy again. Run the deploy command again and let's see the results. Make sure you save the contract address. mxpy will print it in the console for you:

INFO:cli.contracts:Contract address: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqq...

Alternatively, you can check the address in the logs tab in explorer, namely the SCDeploy event.

Too much gas error?

Everything should work just fine, but you'll see this message:

This is NOT an error. This simply means you provided way more gas than needed, so all the gas was consumed instead of the leftover being returned to you. This is done to protect the network against certain attacks. For instance, one could always provide the max gas limit and only use very little, decreasing the network's throughput significantly.

The first stake

Let's call the stake function:

mxpy --verbose contract call ${SC_ADDRESS}... \
--proxy= --chain=D \
--send --recall-nonce --pem=~/MyTestWallets/tutorialKey.pem \
--gas-limit=10000000 \
--value=1 \

To pay EGLD, the --value argument is used, and, as you can guess, the --function argument is used to select which endpoint we want to call. Make sure to adjust the first argument of the contract call command, with respect to the address of your previously deployed contract.

We've now successfully staked 1 EGLD... or have we? If we look at the transaction, that's not quite the case:

I sent 1 EGLD to the SC, but instead 0.000000000000000001 EGLD got sent?

This is because EGLD has 18 decimals. So to send 1 EGLD, you actually have to send a value equal to 1000000000000000000 (i.e. 1 * 10^18). The blockchain only works with unsigned numbers. Floating point numbers are not allowed. The only reason the explorer displays the balances with a floating point is because it's much more user-friendly to tell someone they have 1 EGLD instead of 1000000000000000000 EGLD, but internally, only the integer value is used.

But how do I send 0.5 EGLD to the SC?

Since we know EGLD has 18 decimals, we have to simply multiply 0.5 by 10^18, which yields 500000000000000000.

Actually staking 1 EGLD

To do this, we simply have to update the value passed when we call the stake function. This should be: value=1000000000000000000.

Now let's try staking again:

Querying the view functions

To perform smart contract queries, we also use mxpy. Run the next command in a terminal:

    mxpy --verbose contract query ${SC_ADDRESS} \
--proxy= \
--function="getStakingPosition" \
--arguments ${USER_ADDRESS}

You don't need a PEM file or an account at all to perform queries. Notice how you also don't need a chain ID for this call.


Because there is no PEM file required, there is no "caller" for VM queries. Attempting to use self.blockchain().get_caller() in a query function will return the SC's own address.

Replace USER_ADDRESS value with your address. Now let's see our staking amount, according to the SC's internal state:

"base64": "DeC2s6dkAAE=",
"hex": "0de0b6b3a7640001",
"number": 1000000000000000001

We get the expected amount, 1 EGLD, plus the initial 10^-18 EGLD we sent.

Now let's also query the stakers list:

    mxpy --verbose contract query ${SC_ADDRESS} \
--proxy= \

Running this function should yield a result like this:

"base64": "nKGLvsPooKhq/R30cdiu1SRbQysprPITCnvi04n0cR0=",
"hex": "9ca18bbec3e8a0a86afd1df471d8aed5245b432b29acf2130a7be2d389f4711d",
"number": 70846231242182541417246304875524977991498122361356467219989042906898688667933

...but what's this value? If we try to convert 9ca18bbec3e8a0a86afd1df471d8aed5245b432b29acf2130a7be2d389f4711d to ASCII, we get gibberish. So what happened to our pretty erd1 address?

Converting erd1 addresses to hex

The smart contracts never work with the erd1... address format, but rather with the hex format. This is NOT an ASCII to hex conversion. This is a bech32 to ASCII conversion.

But then, why did the previous query work?

    mxpy --verbose contract query ${SC_ADDRESS} \
--proxy=${PROXY} \
--function="getStakingPosition" \
--arguments ${USER_ADDRESS}

This is because mxpy automatically detected and converted the erd1 address to hex. To perform those conversions yourself, you can also use mxpy:

bech32 to hex

mxpy wallet bech32 --decode erd1...

In the previous example, we used the address: erd1njsch0krazs2s6harh68rk9w65j9kset9xk0yyc2003d8z05wywsmmnn76

Now let's try and decode this with mxpy:

mxpy wallet bech32 --decode erd1njsch0krazs2s6harh68rk9w65j9kset9xk0yyc2003d8z05wywsmmnn76

Which is precisely the value we received from the smart contract. Now let's try it the other way around.

hex to bech32

mxpy wallet bech32 --encode hex_address

Running the command with the previous example, we should get the same initial address:

mxpy wallet bech32 --encode 9ca18bbec3e8a0a86afd1df471d8aed5245b432b29acf2130a7be2d389f4711d

Adding unstake functionality

For now, users can only stake, but they cannot actually get their EGLD back... at all. Let's add the unstake endpoint in our SC:

fn unstake(&self) {
let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();
let stake_mapper = self.staking_position(&caller);

let caller_stake = stake_mapper.get();
if caller_stake == 0 {


self.send().direct_egld(&caller, &caller_stake);

You might notice the variable stake_mapper. Just to remind you, the mapper's definition looks like this:

fn staking_position(&self, addr: &ManagedAddress) -> SingleValueMapper<BigUint>;

In pure Rust terms, this is a method of our contract trait, with one argument, that returns a SingleValueMapper<BigUint>. All mappers are nothing more than struct types that provide an interface to the storage API.

So then, why save the mapper in a variable?

Better usage of storage mapper types

Each time you access self.staking_position(&addr), the storage key has to be constructed again, by concatenating the static string stakingPosition with the given addr argument. The mapper saves its key internally, so if we reuse the same mapper, the key is only constructed once.

This saves us the following operations:

let mut key = ManagedBuffer::new_from_bytes(b"stakingPosition");

Instead, we just reuse the key we built previously. This can be a great performance enhancement, especially for mappers with multiple arguments. For mappers with no arguments, the improvement is minimal, but might still be worth thinking about.

Partial unstake

Some users might only want to unstake a part of their tokens, so we could simply add an unstake_amount argument:

fn unstake(&self, unstake_amount: BigUint) {
let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();
let remaining_stake = self.staking_position(&caller).update(|staked_amount| {
unstake_amount > 0 && unstake_amount <= *staked_amount,
"Invalid unstake amount"
*staked_amount -= &unstake_amount;

if remaining_stake == 0 {

self.send().direct_egld(&caller, &unstake_amount);

As you might notice, the code changed quite a bit. We also need to account for invalid user input, so we add a require! statement. Additionally, since we no longer need to simply "clear" the storage, we use the update method, which allows us to change the currently stored value through a mutable reference.

update is the same as doing get, followed by computation, and then set, but it's just a lot more compact. Additionally, it also allows us to return anything we want from the given closure, so we use that to detect if this was a full unstake.

pub fn update<R, F: FnOnce(&mut T) -> R>(&self, f: F) -> R {
let mut value = self.get();
let result = f(&mut value);

Optional arguments

For a bit of performance enhancement, we could have the unstake_amount as an optional argument, with the default being full unstake.

fn unstake(&self, opt_unstake_amount: OptionalValue<BigUint>) {
let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();
let stake_mapper = self.staking_position(&caller);
let unstake_amount = match opt_unstake_amount {
OptionalValue::Some(amt) => amt,
OptionalValue::None => stake_mapper.get(),

let remaining_stake = stake_mapper.update(|staked_amount| {
unstake_amount > 0 && unstake_amount <= *staked_amount,
"Invalid unstake amount"
*staked_amount -= &unstake_amount;

if remaining_stake == 0 {

self.send().direct_egld(&caller, &unstake_amount);

This makes it so if someone wants to perform a full unstake, they can simply not give the argument at all.

Unstaking our devnet tokens

Now that we've added the unstake function, let's test it out on devnet. Build your SC again through the MultiversX IDE extension or mxpy directly, and add the unstake function to our file:


mxpy --verbose contract call ${SC_ADDRESS} \
--proxy= --chain=D \
--send --recall-nonce --pem=~/MyTestWallets/tutorialKey.pem \
--gas-limit=10000000 \
--function="unstake" \
--arguments ${UNSTAKE_AMOUNT}

Now run this function, and you'll get this result:

...but why? We just added the function! Well, we might've added it to our code, but the contract on the devnet still has our old code. So, how do we upload our new code?

Upgrading smart contracts

Since we've added some new functionality, we also want to update the currently deployed implementation. Build the contract and then run the following command:

    mxpy --verbose contract upgrade ${SC_ADDRESS} \
--bytecode=~/Projects/tutorials/staking-contract/output/staking-contract.wasm \
--recall-nonce --pem=~/MyTestWallets/tutorialKey.pem \
--gas-limit=20000000 \
--send --outfile="upgrade-devnet.interaction.json" \
--proxy= --chain=D

Keep in mind the #[init] function of the newly uploaded code is also called on upgrade. For now, it does not matter, as our init function does nothing, but it's worth keeping in mind.


All the storage is kept on upgrade, so make sure any storage changes you make to storage mapping are backwards compatible!

Try unstaking again

Try running the unstake snippet again. This time, it should work just fine. Afterwards, let's query our staked amount through getStakeForAddress, to see if it updated our amount properly:

"base64": "BvBbWdOyAAE=",
"hex": "06f05b59d3b20001",
"number": 500000000000000001

We had 1 EGLD, and we've unstaked 0.5 EGLD. Now we have 0.5 EGLD staked. (with the extra 1 fraction of EGLD we've staked initially).

Unstake with no arguments

Let's also test the optional argument functionality. Remove the --arguments line from the snippet, and run it again.

unstake() {
mxpy --verbose contract call ${SC_ADDRESS} \
--proxy= --chain=D \
--send --recall-nonce --pem=~/MyTestWallets/tutorialKey.pem \
--gas-limit=10000000 \

Let's also query getStakeForAddress and getAllStakers afterwards to see if the state was cleaned up properly:


As you can see, we get an empty result (which means the value 0), and an empty array respectively.

Writing Rust tests

As you might've noticed, it can be quite a chore to keep upgrading the contract after every little change, especially if all we want to do is test a new feature. So let's recap what we've done until now:

  • deploy our contract
  • stake
  • partial unstake
  • full unstake

A more detailed explanation of Rust tests can be found here:

To test the previously described scenario, we're going to need a user address, and a new test function. Replace the contents of the ./tests/ file with the following:

use multiversx_sc::{codec::multi_types::OptionalValue, types::Address};
use multiversx_sc_scenario::{
managed_address, managed_biguint, rust_biguint, whitebox::*, DebugApi,
use staking_contract::*;

const WASM_PATH: &'static str = "output/staking-contract.wasm";
const USER_BALANCE: u64 = 1_000_000_000_000_000_000;

struct ContractSetup<ContractObjBuilder>
ContractObjBuilder: 'static + Copy + Fn() -> staking_contract::ContractObj<DebugApi>,
pub b_mock: BlockchainStateWrapper,
pub owner_address: Address,
pub user_address: Address,
pub contract_wrapper:
ContractObjWrapper<staking_contract::ContractObj<DebugApi>, ContractObjBuilder>,

impl<ContractObjBuilder> ContractSetup<ContractObjBuilder>
ContractObjBuilder: 'static + Copy + Fn() -> staking_contract::ContractObj<DebugApi>,
pub fn new(sc_builder: ContractObjBuilder) -> Self {
let rust_zero = rust_biguint!(0u64);
let mut b_mock = BlockchainStateWrapper::new();
let owner_address = b_mock.create_user_account(&rust_zero);
let user_address = b_mock.create_user_account(&rust_biguint!(USER_BALANCE));
let sc_wrapper =
b_mock.create_sc_account(&rust_zero, Some(&owner_address), sc_builder, WASM_PATH);

// simulate deploy
.execute_tx(&owner_address, &sc_wrapper, &rust_zero, |sc| {

ContractSetup {
contract_wrapper: sc_wrapper,

fn stake_unstake_test() {
let mut setup = ContractSetup::new(staking_contract::contract_obj);
let owner_addr = setup.owner_address.clone();
let user_addr = setup.user_address.clone();

.check_egld_balance(&user_addr, &rust_biguint!(USER_BALANCE));
.check_egld_balance(setup.contract_wrapper.address_ref(), &rust_biguint!(0));

// stake full
|sc| {


.check_egld_balance(&user_addr, &rust_biguint!(0));

// unstake partial
|sc| {
sc.unstake(OptionalValue::Some(managed_biguint!(USER_BALANCE / 2)));

managed_biguint!(USER_BALANCE / 2)

.check_egld_balance(&user_addr, &rust_biguint!(USER_BALANCE / 2));
&rust_biguint!(USER_BALANCE / 2),

// unstake full
|sc| {


.check_egld_balance(&user_addr, &rust_biguint!(USER_BALANCE));
.check_egld_balance(setup.contract_wrapper.address_ref(), &rust_biguint!(0));

We've added a user_address field in the setup struct, which is initiated with USER_BALANCE EGLD in their account.


For the test we're going to use small numbers for balances, since there is no reason to work with big numbers. For this test, we're using 1 EGLD for user balance.

Then, we've staked the user's entire balance, unstaked half, then unstaked fully. After each transaction, we've checked the SC's internal staking storage, and also the balance of the user and the SC respectively.

Running the test

To run a test, you can use click on the Run Test button from under the test name.


There is also a Debug button, which can be used to debug smart contracts. More details on that here.

Alternatively, you can run all the tests in the file by running the following command in the VSCode terminal, in the ./staking-contract folder:

cargo test --test empty_rust_test

Where empty_rust_test is the name of the file containing the tests.

Staking Rewards

Right now, there is no incentive to stake EGLD into this smart contract. Let's say we want to give every staker 10% APY (Annual Percentage Yield). For example, if someone staked 100 EGLD, they will receive a total of 10EGLD per year.

For this, we're also going to need to save the time at which each user staked. Also, we can't simply make each user wait 1 year to get their rewards. We need a more fine-tuned solution, so we're going to calculate rewards per block instead of per year.


You can also use rounds, timestamp, epochs etc. for time keeping in smart contracts, but number of blocks is the recommended approach.

User-defined struct types

A single BigUint for each user is not enough anymore. As stated before, we need to also store the stake block, and we need to update this block number on every action.

So we're going to use a struct:

pub struct StakingPosition<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
pub stake_amount: BigUint<M>,
pub last_action_block: u64,

Every managed type from the Rust framework needs a ManagedTypeApi implementation, which allows it to access the VM functions for performing operations. For example, adding two BigUint numbers, concatenating two ManagedBuffers, etc. Inside smart contract code, the ManagedTypeApi associated type is automatically added, but outside of it, we have to manually specify it.

Additionally, since we need to store this in storage, we need to tell the Rust framework how to encode and decode this type. This can be done automatically by deriving (i.e. auto-implementing) these traits, via the #[derive] annotation:


#[derive(TypeAbi, TopEncode, TopDecode, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct StakingPosition<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
pub stake_amount: BigUint<M>,
pub last_action_block: u64,

We've also added TypeAbi, since this is required for ABI generation. ABIs are used by dApps and such to decode custom SC types, but this is out of scope of this tutorial.

Additionally, we've added PartialEq and Debug derives, for easier use within tests. This will not affect performance in any way, as the code for these is only used during testing/debugging. PartialEq allows us to use == for comparing instances, while Debug will pretty-print the struct, field by field, in case of errors.

If you want to learn more about how such a struct is encoded, and the difference between top and nested encoding/decoding, you can read more here:

Rewards formula

A block is produced about every 6 seconds, so total blocks in a year would be seconds in year, divided by 6. More specifically:

pub const BLOCKS_IN_YEAR: u64 = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 / 6;

More specifically: 60 seconds per minute 60 minutes per hour 24 hours per day * 365 days, divided by the 6-second block duration.


This is calculated and replaced with the exact value at compile time, so there is no performance penalty of having a constant with mathematical operations in its value definition.

Having defined this constant, rewards formula should look like this:

let reward_amt = apy / 100 * user_stake * blocks_since_last_claim / BLOCKS_IN_YEAR;

Using 10% as APY, and assuming exactly one year has passed since last claim, the reward amount would be 10/100 * user_stake, which is exactly 10% APY.

But there is something wrong with the current formula. We will always get reward_amt = 0.

BigUint division

BigUint division works the same as unsigned integer division. If you divide x by y, where x < y, you will always get 0 as result. So in our previous example, 10/100 is NOT 0.1, but 0.

To fix this, we need to take care of our operation order:

let reward_amt = user_stake * apy / 100 * blocks_since_last_claim / BLOCKS_IN_YEAR;

How to express percentages like 50.45%?

In this case, we need to extend our precision by using fixed point precision. Instead of having 100 as the max percentage, we will extend it to 10_000, and give 50.45% as 5_045. Updating our above formula results in this:

pub const MAX_PERCENTAGE: u64 = 10_000;

let reward_amt = user_stake * apy / MAX_PERCENTAGE * blocks_since_last_claim / BLOCKS_IN_YEAR;

For example, let's assume the user stake is 100, and 1 year has passed. Using 5_045 as APY value, the formula would become:

reward_amt = 100 * 5_045 / 10_000 = 504_500 / 10_000 = 50

Since we're still using BigUint division, we don't get 50.45, but 50. This precision can be increased by using more zeroes for the MAX_PERCENTAGE and the respective APY, but this is also "inheritly fixed" on the blockchain, because we work with very big numbers for user_stake

Rewards implementation

Now let's see how this would look in our Rust smart contract code. The smart contract looks like this after doing all the specified changes:



pub const BLOCKS_IN_YEAR: u64 = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 / 6;
pub const MAX_PERCENTAGE: u64 = 10_000;

#[derive(TypeAbi, TopEncode, TopDecode, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct StakingPosition<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
pub stake_amount: BigUint<M>,
pub last_action_block: u64,

pub trait StakingContract {
fn init(&self, apy: u64) {

fn stake(&self) {
let payment_amount = self.call_value().egld_value().clone_value();
require!(payment_amount > 0, "Must pay more than 0");

let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();
self.staking_position(&caller).update(|staking_pos| {
self.claim_rewards_for_user(&caller, staking_pos);

staking_pos.stake_amount += payment_amount

fn unstake(&self, opt_unstake_amount: OptionalValue<BigUint>) {
let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();
let stake_mapper = self.staking_position(&caller);
let mut staking_pos = stake_mapper.get();

let unstake_amount = match opt_unstake_amount {
OptionalValue::Some(amt) => amt,
OptionalValue::None => staking_pos.stake_amount.clone(),
unstake_amount > 0 && unstake_amount <= staking_pos.stake_amount,
"Invalid unstake amount"

self.claim_rewards_for_user(&caller, &mut staking_pos);
staking_pos.stake_amount -= &unstake_amount;

if staking_pos.stake_amount > 0 {
} else {

self.send().direct_egld(&caller, &unstake_amount);

fn claim_rewards(&self) {
let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();
let stake_mapper = self.staking_position(&caller);

let mut staking_pos = stake_mapper.get();
self.claim_rewards_for_user(&caller, &mut staking_pos);

fn claim_rewards_for_user(
user: &ManagedAddress,
staking_pos: &mut StakingPosition<Self::Api>,
) {
let reward_amount = self.calculate_rewards(staking_pos);
let current_block = self.blockchain().get_block_nonce();
staking_pos.last_action_block = current_block;

if reward_amount > 0 {
self.send().direct_egld(user, &reward_amount);

fn calculate_rewards(&self, staking_position: &StakingPosition<Self::Api>) -> BigUint {
let current_block = self.blockchain().get_block_nonce();
if current_block <= staking_position.last_action_block {
return BigUint::zero();

let apy = self.apy().get();
let block_diff = current_block - staking_position.last_action_block;

&staking_position.stake_amount * apy / MAX_PERCENTAGE * block_diff / BLOCKS_IN_YEAR

fn calculate_rewards_for_user(&self, addr: ManagedAddress) -> BigUint {
let staking_pos = self.staking_position(&addr).get();

fn staked_addresses(&self) -> UnorderedSetMapper<ManagedAddress>;

fn staking_position(
addr: &ManagedAddress,
) -> SingleValueMapper<StakingPosition<Self::Api>>;

fn apy(&self) -> SingleValueMapper<u64>;

Now, let's update our test, to use our new StakingPosition struct, and also provide the APY as argument for the init function.

use multiversx_sc::{codec::multi_types::OptionalValue, types::Address};
use multiversx_sc_scenario::{
managed_address, managed_biguint, rust_biguint, whitebox::*, DebugApi,
use staking_contract::*;

const WASM_PATH: &'static str = "output/staking-contract.wasm";
const USER_BALANCE: u64 = 1_000_000_000_000_000_000;
const APY: u64 = 1_000; // 10%

struct ContractSetup<ContractObjBuilder>
ContractObjBuilder: 'static + Copy + Fn() -> staking_contract::ContractObj<DebugApi>,
pub b_mock: BlockchainStateWrapper,
pub owner_address: Address,
pub user_address: Address,
pub contract_wrapper:
ContractObjWrapper<staking_contract::ContractObj<DebugApi>, ContractObjBuilder>,

impl<ContractObjBuilder> ContractSetup<ContractObjBuilder>
ContractObjBuilder: 'static + Copy + Fn() -> staking_contract::ContractObj<DebugApi>,
pub fn new(sc_builder: ContractObjBuilder) -> Self {
let rust_zero = rust_biguint!(0u64);
let mut b_mock = BlockchainStateWrapper::new();
let owner_address = b_mock.create_user_account(&rust_zero);
let user_address = b_mock.create_user_account(&rust_biguint!(USER_BALANCE));
let sc_wrapper =
b_mock.create_sc_account(&rust_zero, Some(&owner_address), sc_builder, WASM_PATH);

// simulate deploy
.execute_tx(&owner_address, &sc_wrapper, &rust_zero, |sc| {

ContractSetup {
contract_wrapper: sc_wrapper,

fn stake_unstake_test() {
let mut setup = ContractSetup::new(staking_contract::contract_obj);
let user_addr = setup.user_address.clone();

.check_egld_balance(&user_addr, &rust_biguint!(USER_BALANCE));
.check_egld_balance(setup.contract_wrapper.address_ref(), &rust_biguint!(0));

// stake full
|sc| {

StakingPosition {
stake_amount: managed_biguint!(USER_BALANCE),
last_action_block: 0

.check_egld_balance(&user_addr, &rust_biguint!(0));

// unstake partial
|sc| {
sc.unstake(OptionalValue::Some(managed_biguint!(USER_BALANCE / 2)));

StakingPosition {
stake_amount: managed_biguint!(USER_BALANCE / 2),
last_action_block: 0

.check_egld_balance(&user_addr, &rust_biguint!(USER_BALANCE / 2));
&rust_biguint!(USER_BALANCE / 2),

// unstake full
|sc| {


.check_egld_balance(&user_addr, &rust_biguint!(USER_BALANCE));
.check_egld_balance(setup.contract_wrapper.address_ref(), &rust_biguint!(0));

Now let's run the test... it didn't work. You should see the following error:

Storage decode error: input too short

But why? Everything worked fine before. This is because instead of using a simple BigUint for staking positions, we now use the StakingPosition struct. If you follow the error trace, you will see exactly where it failed:

17: staking_contract::StakingContract::stake
at ./src/

Which leads to the following line:

self.staking_position(&caller).update(|staking_pos| {
self.claim_rewards_for_user(&caller, staking_pos);

staking_pos.stake_amount += payment_amount

Because we're trying to add a new user, which has no staking entry yet, the decoding fails. For a simple BigUint, decoding from an empty storage yields the 0 value, which is exactly what we want, but for a struct type, it cannot give us any default value.

For this reason, we have to add some additional checks. The endpoint implementations will have to be changed to the following (the rest of the code remains the same):

fn stake(&self) {
let payment_amount = self.call_value().egld_value().clone_value();
require!(payment_amount > 0, "Must pay more than 0");

let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();
let stake_mapper = self.staking_position(&caller);

let new_user = self.staked_addresses().insert(caller.clone());
let mut staking_pos = if !new_user {
} else {
let current_block = self.blockchain().get_block_epoch();
StakingPosition {
stake_amount: BigUint::zero(),
last_action_block: current_block,

self.claim_rewards_for_user(&caller, &mut staking_pos);
staking_pos.stake_amount += payment_amount;


fn unstake(&self, opt_unstake_amount: OptionalValue<BigUint>) {
let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();

let stake_mapper = self.staking_position(&caller);
let mut staking_pos = stake_mapper.get();

let unstake_amount = match opt_unstake_amount {
OptionalValue::Some(amt) => amt,
OptionalValue::None => staking_pos.stake_amount.clone(),
unstake_amount > 0 && unstake_amount <= staking_pos.stake_amount,
"Invalid unstake amount"

self.claim_rewards_for_user(&caller, &mut staking_pos);
staking_pos.stake_amount -= &unstake_amount;

if staking_pos.stake_amount > 0 {
} else {

self.send().direct_egld(&caller, &unstake_amount);

fn claim_rewards(&self) {
let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();

let stake_mapper = self.staking_position(&caller);
let mut staking_pos = stake_mapper.get();
self.claim_rewards_for_user(&caller, &mut staking_pos);


fn require_user_staked(&self, user: &ManagedAddress) {
require!(self.staked_addresses().contains(user), "Must stake first");

For the stake endpoint, in case the user was not previously staked, we provide a default entry. The insert method of UnorderedSetMapper returns true if the entry is new, false if the user was already in the list, so we can use that result instead of checking for stake_mapper.is_empty().

For the unstake and claimRewards endpoints, we have to check if the user was already staked, and return an error otherwise (as they'd have nothing to unstake/claim anyway).

Running the test after the suggested changes should work just fine now:

running 1 test
test stake_unstake_test ... ok

In order to apply these changes on devnet, you should build the contract and then upgrade it. Because we added the APY on init now for the upgrade we will have to pass it as an argument.

    mxpy --verbose contract upgrade ${SC_ADDRESS} \
--bytecode=~/Projects/tutorials/staking-contract/output/staking-contract.wasm \
--recall-nonce --pem=~/MyTestWallets/tutorialKey.pem \
--gas-limit=20000000 \
--send --outfile="upgrade-devnet.interaction.json" \
--proxy= --chain=D \
--arguments 100

Rewards testing

Now that we've implemented rewards logic, let's add the following test to ensure everything works as expected:

fn rewards_test() {
let mut setup = ContractSetup::new(staking_contract::contract_obj);
let user_addr = setup.user_address.clone();

// stake full
|sc| {

StakingPosition {
stake_amount: managed_biguint!(USER_BALANCE),
last_action_block: 0


// query rewards
.execute_query(&setup.contract_wrapper, |sc| {
let actual_rewards = sc.calculate_rewards_for_user(managed_address!(&user_addr));
let expected_rewards = managed_biguint!(USER_BALANCE) * APY / MAX_PERCENTAGE;
assert_eq!(actual_rewards, expected_rewards);

// claim rewards
|sc| {
StakingPosition {
stake_amount: managed_biguint!(USER_BALANCE),
last_action_block: 0


StakingPosition {
stake_amount: managed_biguint!(USER_BALANCE),
last_action_block: BLOCKS_IN_YEAR

&(rust_biguint!(USER_BALANCE) * APY / MAX_PERCENTAGE),

// query rewards after claim
.execute_query(&setup.contract_wrapper, |sc| {
let actual_rewards = sc.calculate_rewards_for_user(managed_address!(&user_addr));
let expected_rewards = managed_biguint!(0);
assert_eq!(actual_rewards, expected_rewards);

In the test, we perform the following steps:

  • stake 1 EGLD
  • set block nonce after 1 year (i.e. simulating 1 year worth of blocks passing)
  • querying rewards, which should give use 10% of 1 EGLD = 0.1 EGLD
  • claiming said rewards and checking the internal state and user balance
  • querying again after claim, to check that double-claim is not possible

This test should work without any errors.

Depositing rewards / Conclusion

Currently, there is no way to deposit rewards into the SC, unless the owner makes it payable, which is generally bad practice, and not recommended.

As this is a fairly simple task compared to what we've done already, we'll leave this as an exercise to the reader. You'll have to add a payable("EGLD") endpoint, and additionally, a storage mapper that keeps track of the remaining rewards.

Good luck!

In part 2, which will come soon, we'll discuss about how to use custom ESDTs instead of just EGLD.