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Deploy a SC in 5 minutes - SpaceCraft interactors

This short guide demonstrates how to deploy and interact with a smart contract on MultiversX using the SpaceCraft interactors. We will cover essential topics such as the SC framework, integration tests, sc-meta, and interactors (devtools).


Building smart contracts involves complex tasks. Beyond the syntax, a smart contract acts as a public server where users pay for actions. Enforcing rules to ensure safety (treating possible exploits) and efficiency (timewise - transaction speed, costwise - gas fees) for all users interacting with the contract is crucial.

In order to make sure that the smart contract works as expected, there are at least three stages of testing that we recommend to be performed before live deployment:

  • unit testing (SpaceCraft testing framework - Rust unit tests, RustVM)
  • scenarios (mandos - json files, can be generated from Rust unit tests). Mandos can be used to test the logic on the GoVM as well, which is the actual VM running on the node
  • integration testing (SpaceCraft Rust interactors - testing on the blockchain). Integration tests cover real life scenarios across the different MultiversX blockchain environments - devnet/testnet/mainnet

In this tutorial we will focus on integration testing using the interactors made available by the SpaceCraft smart contract framework.

  • stable Rust version 1.78.0 or above (install via rustup):
  • multiversx-sc-meta version 0.50.0 or above (cargo install multiversx-sc-meta)

Step 1: Start from a template

Get a headstart by using sc-meta to generate one of our smart contract templates as a starting point for your smart contract. Let’s say we start from the empty template contract and name it my-contract.

sc-meta new --template empty --name my-contract
code my-contract # opens the contract in VSCode (optional)

This command generates an empty contract called MyContract, with the minimum requirements for deployment. The main file (my-contract/src/ includes only two empty endpoints: init and upgrade.

Step 2: Customize the template

However, we are not interested in deploying an empty contract, so we will quickly add some endpoints:


use multiversx_sc::imports::*;

/// An empty contract. To be used as a template when starting a new contract from scratch.
pub trait MyContract {
fn init(&self) {}

fn upgrade(&self) {}

fn register_me(&self) {
let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();
"user already registered"

fn deregister_me(&self) {
let caller = self.blockchain().get_caller();
"user not registered"

fn already_registered(&self, user: &ManagedAddress) -> SingleValueMapper<bool>;

In this snippet, we have created a storage mapper named already_registered to track user registration status, and two endpoints to handle the registration process and enforce a clear path of action for the user: first register, then deregister. Any other path of action should result in an error. In order to make sure the rules are enforced on the actual blockchain, we will create some integration tests.

Step 3: Build the contract

Considering our syntax development is done, we should now be able to build the contract. We need to build the contract in order to generate necessary files for deployment and testing inside the output folder such as my-contract.wasm and my-contract.mxsc.json.

cd my-contract
sc-meta all build

Step 4: Generate the interactor

Based on the smart contract we have just created, we can generate interactors with just one command using sc-meta in the root folder of the contract.

sc-meta all snippets

This command compiled the contract and generated a new folder called interactor. The interactor is by default a Rust CLI program that uses the smart contract proxy to send calls to the contract.

Inside the source folder (interactor/src), we should find the newly generated proxy of the contract ( and the file, which is the main file of the project. A sc-config.toml file has also been created (if not existent) containing the path of the proxy file.

If we navigate to interactor/src/, inside the main function, we can find all the CLI command available to us:

async fn main() {

let mut args = std::env::args();
let _ =;
let cmd ="at least one argument required");
let mut interact = ContractInteract::new().await;
match cmd.as_str() {
"deploy" => interact.deploy().await,
"register_me" => interact.register_me().await,
"deregister_me" => interact.deregister_me().await,
"already_registered" => interact.already_registered().await,
_ => panic!("unknown command: {}", &cmd),

As you can see, sc-meta automatically generated all the logic behind calling the smart contract endpoints. The interactor uses asynchronous Rust, so all the functions are marked as async and need to be awaited to get a result.

In order to compile the project, we need to include it in the project tree. In this case, we have to add the interactor project to the smart contract’s workspaces, in the Cargo.toml file:

members = [

Step 5: Create scenarios & run

Now the setup is complete, it’s time to create some scenarios to test. For our use-case, the perfect scenario is: deploy the contract, register from a user and deregister from the same user. Anything else should result in an error.

In order to test the perfect scenario first, we will first deploy the contract:

cd interactor
cargo run deploy

After deploying the contract, a new file named state.toml will be created, which contains the newly deployed sc address. For each deploy, a new address will be printed into the file.

contract_address = "erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqpsev0x4nufh240l44gf2t6qzkh9xvutqd8ssrnydzr"

By default, the testing environment is devnet, specified by the GATEWAY constant:

const GATEWAY: &str = sdk::blockchain::DEVNET_GATEWAY;

Changing the value of this constant will change the testing environment for a quick setup (other options are TESTNET_GATEWAY and MAINNET_GATEWAY).

Each command has some waiting time and returns the result inside a variable in the function, but also prints it in the console for easy tracking.

In this case, the console shows:

you@PC interactor % cargo run deploy
Compiling rust-interact v0.0.0 (/Users/you/Documents/my-contract/interact-rs)
Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.96s
Running `/Users/you/Documents/my-contract/target/debug/rust-interact deploy`
sender's recalled nonce: 1717
-- tx nonce: 1717
sc deploy tx hash: 623c7b853b1fbb36762d433c6a5e27d34f48198e68bbba1216d1c676ab0ba3be
deploy address: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqpsev0x4nufh240l44gf2t6qzkh9xvutqd8ssrnydzr
new address: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqpsev0x4nufh240l44gf2t6qzkh9xvutqd8ssrnydzr

Then, we can continue testing the scenario:

cargo run register_me
cargo run deregister_me

These commands will send two transactions to the newly deployed contract from the test_wallets::alice() wallet, each of them calling one endpoint of the contract in the specified order.

you@PC interactor % cargo run register_me
Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.35s
Running `/Users/you/Documents/my-contract/target/debug/rust-interact register_me`
sender's recalled nonce: 1718
-- tx nonce: 1718
sc call tx hash: 97bea2b18ca0d1305200dc4ea0d1b2b32a666430f8d24ab042f59c324bf47eec
Result: ()
you@PC interactor % cargo run deregister_me
Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.11s
Running `/Users/you/Documents/my-contract/target/debug/rust-interact deregister_me
sender's recalled nonce: 1719
-- tx nonce: 1719
sc call tx hash: 20540f1548508e198359d3e897c1e380796e89142801d485c76c700b7dab2a8b
Result: ()

Step 6 (optional): Create integration tests

Using the functions generated by sc-meta, we can extend the interactor to cover a series of integration tests. Organized tests help with maintenance and long-term testing.

We can create a quick integration test as such:

async fn integration_test() {
let mut interact = ContractInteract::new().await;


Running this test will perform the previous CLI actions in the same order, on the real blockchain. The console will show all the intermediate actions at the end of the test, as such:

running 1 test
test integration_test ... ok


---- integration_test stdout ----
sender's recalled nonce: 1720
-- tx nonce: 1720
sc deploy tx hash: ca6e69c18acd73b20bfd21142b45be1b530ecbec89d1eb9c374b93f7681dbc38
deploy address: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgq0lkg29q0ep09llg0mva5lle3s0334wqtd8ss40lmkn
new address: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgq0lkg29q0ep09llg0mva5lle3s0334wqtd8ss40lmkn
sender's recalled nonce: 1721
-- tx nonce: 1721
sc call tx hash: f8692bd508c1d1aa10324a79d497f1c6995e053e3f89fca48e8f4185808f067a
Result: ()
sender's recalled nonce: 1722
-- tx nonce: 1722
sc call tx hash: 369429790c8d77d85dd52f73c9a6b6427709f327b7e004ad99de3bc04f3ee767
Result: ()


test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 14.38s


This setup can be used for extensive testing, but also as a tool for live deployment on mainnet, tracking and interaction. In a multi-contract setup, one can, for example, create different modules for specific interactions with each contract and development environment and further structure all the interactions into different integration tests.

Let’s take the example of the DEX smart contract interactors. Here, all the proxy files are organized in a different crate for easier access.


Furthermore, all the contracts that are part of the DEX flow have separate interaction modules, so we can easily keep track of the flow when writing complex tests.

This is the energy_factory file, containing only interactions with the energy factory smart contract, using the specific proxy and contract address:

use multiversx_sc_snippets::imports::*;
use proxies::energy_factory_proxy;

use crate::{
structs::{to_rust_biguint, InteractorEnergy},

pub(crate) async fn get_energy_amount_for_user(
dex_interact: &mut DexInteract,
user: Address,
) -> RustBigUint {
let result_token = dex_interact


After having implemented this structure, writing integration test is a smooth process, even though the logic gets complicated:

impl DexInteract {
async fn full_farm_scenario(&mut self, args: &AddArgs) {
// adds liquidity to the pair SC
let (_, _, lp_token) = pair::add_liquidity(self, args).await.0;
// enters farm in the farm locked SC
let _result = farm_locked::enter_farm(self, lp_token).await;
// query the energy factory SC
let _query = energy_factory::get_energy_amount_for_user(self, Address::zero()).await;
// stake farm tokens in the farm staking proxy SC
let _farm_token = farm_staking_proxy::stake_farm_tokens(self, Vec::new(), None).await;
// more logic

pub mod integration_tests {
use multiversx_sc_snippets::tokio;

use crate::{dex_interact_cli::SwapArgs, pair, DexInteract};

async fn test_swap() {
// initialize interactor
let mut dex_interact = DexInteract::init().await;
// test users
// mock arguments
let args = SwapArgs::default();

// swap tokens with the pair SC
let result = pair::swap_tokens_fixed_input(&mut dex_interact, &args).await;
println!("result {:#?}", result);

async fn test_full_farm_scenario() {
// initialize interactor
let mut dex_interact = DexInteract::init().await;
// test users
// mock arguments
let args = AddArgs::default();

// runs a full farm scenario

Organizing the code this way streamlines the process even further. Now, it is just a matter of using a different datatype or a different module in order to keep track of the various contracts and development environments and be able to rerun everything quickly if needed.


The interactors are a versatile tool that greatly simplifies various processes around a smart contract, including deployment, upgrades, interaction, and testing. These tools not only save time but also offer a robust starting codebase for Rust developers. They also provide a valuable learning opportunity for non-Rust developers to explore asynchronous Rust and other advanced features.

We highly recommend experimenting with these interactors, as they are efficient time-savers and are likely to be expanded with even more features in the future. By incorporating these practices, you can ensure that your smart contract functions as intended, providing a reliable and efficient service to users on MultiversX.