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Whitelist Requirements

Before enabling a token to be sent via the Ad-Astra bridge, the token must be whitelisted. The whitelisting process is performed with the help of the MultiversX team.

Whitelist requirements

  1. The token issuer must issue the token on the MultiversX network and submit a branding request manually or using;
  2. The token issuer must assign the MINT & BURN role to the BridgedTokensWrapper or the Safe contract, depending on the token type configuration.
RolesAssigningTransaction {
Sender: <address of the ESDT owner>
Receiver: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqzllls8a5w6u
Value: 0
GasLimit: 60000000
Data: "setSpecialRole" +
"@" + <token identifier in hexadecimal encoding> +
"@" + <contract address: wrapper or safe contract> +
"@" + <local mint role in hexadecimal encoding> +
"@" + <local burn role in hexadecimal encoding>


Let's suppose we want to whitelist the token TKN-001122 on the Ethereum bridge and the token configuration type is 1. (mint/burn tokens on both ends, native on MultiversX)

The transaction will look like:

RolesAssigningTransaction {
Sender: <address of the ESDT owner>
Receiver: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqzllls8a5w6u
Value: 0
GasLimit: 60000000
Data: "setSpecialRole" +
"@544b4e2d303031313232" +
"@000000000000000005004ab1cd3d291159a38df7d2a1c498c9d7a7e3047ccc48" +
"@45534454526f6c654c6f63616c4d696e74" +
  1. Depending on the token configuration (valid for 1. & 2. configuration types), the minter & burner role should be granted on the EVM-compatible chain side (depending on the ERC20 contract variant, addMinter and addBurner endpoints can be used);
  2. MultiversX team will complete the whitelisting process by issuing the required transactions.

For reference, this is the list of the known smart contracts:

  • Wrapper erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgq305jfaqrdxpzjgf9y5gvzh60mergh866yfkqzqjv2h
  • Ethereum Safe erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqf2cu60ffz9v68r0h62sufxxf67n7xprue3yq4ap4k2
  • BSC Safe erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqa89ts8s3un2tpxcml340phcgypyyr609e3yqv4d8nz

To ensure the correct functioning of the bridge, as a MultiversX token owner please ensure the following points are met:

  • if you make use of the transfer-role on your token, remember to grant the role also on the Safe, MultiTransfer, BridgedTokensWrapper, and BridgeProxy contracts;
  • do not freeze the above-mentioned contracts;
  • do not wipe tokens on the above-mentioned contracts.

Failure to comply with these rules will force the bridge owner to blacklist the token in order to restore the correct functioning of the bridge.