Whitelist Requirements
Before enabling a token to be sent via the Ad-Astra bridge, the token must be whitelisted. The whitelisting process is performed with the help of the MultiversX team.
Whitelist requirements
- The token issuer must issue the token on the MultiversX network and submit a branding request manually or using https://assets.multiversx.com;
- The token issuer must assign the MINT & BURN role to the BridgedTokensWrapper or the Safe contract, depending on the token type configuration.
RolesAssigningTransaction {
Sender: <address of the ESDT owner>
Receiver: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqzllls8a5w6u
Value: 0
GasLimit: 60000000
Data: "setSpecialRole" +
"@" + <token identifier in hexadecimal encoding> +
"@" + <contract address: wrapper or safe contract> +
"@" + <local mint role in hexadecimal encoding> +
"@" + <local burn role in hexadecimal encoding>
Let's suppose we want to whitelist the token TKN-001122
on the Ethereum bridge and the token configuration type is 1.
(mint/burn tokens on both ends, native on MultiversX)
The transaction will look like:
RolesAssigningTransaction {
Sender: <address of the ESDT owner>
Receiver: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqzllls8a5w6u
Value: 0
GasLimit: 60000000
Data: "setSpecialRole" +
"@544b4e2d303031313232" +
"@000000000000000005004ab1cd3d291159a38df7d2a1c498c9d7a7e3047ccc48" +
"@45534454526f6c654c6f63616c4d696e74" +
- Depending on the token configuration (valid for 1. & 2. configuration types), the minter & burner role should be granted on
the EVM-compatible chain side (depending on the ERC20 contract variant,
endpoints can be used); - MultiversX team will complete the whitelisting process by issuing the required transactions.
For reference, this is the list of the known smart contracts:
- Wrapper
- Ethereum Safe
- BSC Safe
To ensure the correct functioning of the bridge, as a MultiversX token owner please ensure the following points are met:
- if you make use of the transfer-role on your token, remember to grant the role also on the Safe, MultiTransfer, BridgedTokensWrapper, and BridgeProxy contracts;
- do not freeze the above-mentioned contracts;
- do not wipe tokens on the above-mentioned contracts.
Failure to comply with these rules will force the bridge owner to blacklist the token in order to restore the correct functioning of the bridge.