Token Types
With the release of the bridge v3.0 & v3.1 different token types are allowed to be bridged. By token type, we refer to how the tokens are locked/burnt or unlocked/minted along with the chain side on which they are native. The decision of how the token should be configured in the bridge depends on the availability of the minter/burner role on the EVM-compatible chain side along with the marketing decision of "on which chain the token should be native (a.k.a. where it was first minted)"
1. Mint/Burn & Native on MultiversX < - > EVM-chain has Mint/Burn & Non-Native
This bridge token-type configuration has the advantage of not holding a single token in the bridge. The swapped tokens are minted/burned on both sides. The total token quantity on both chains equals the (minted - burned) on MultiversX added with the (minted - burned) on the EVM-compatible chain side. The initial supply & mint is done on MultiversX.

2. Mint/Burn & Non-Native on MultiversX < - > EVM-chain has Mint/Burn & Native
This has the same advantages as 1. but the initial minting is done on the EVM-compatible chain side.
3. Mint/Burn & Non-Native on MultiversX < - > EVM-chain has Locked/Unlocked & Native
This bridge token configuration type will need to be initiated on the EVM-compatible chain side and the tokens transferred to MultiversX will be locked in the bridge contract (no minter role is needed on the EVM-compatible chain as opposed to 1 & 2) and will be unlocked when swaps from MultiversX to the EVM-compatible chain are done. On the MultiversX side, mint/burn actions will be performed. The total quantity of tokens on both chains will be equal to the supply on the EVM-compatible chain. Everything that is locked in the bridge contract will equal to what was (minted - burned) on MultiversX side.
This configuration will also require an intermediate token as to allow the bridging on more than one EVM-compatible chain. It also can create discrepancies between the allowed supplies to bridge between multiple chains.
Example: if tokens are being brought to MultiversX from EVM-compatible chain 1 and then the tokens are bridged out from MultiversX to EVM-compatible chain 2, then the bridge for EVM-compatible chain 2, at some point, will be unable to process swaps because it will run out of its intermediary tokens. The solution here is to manually bridge in the reversed order as described (an operation that consumes time & fees).

Note: The diagram above is a little bit misleading because the ERC20 contracts hold the address/balance ledgers inside them. For the sake of simplicity, the tokens are depicted as stored inside the bridge Safe contracts (just as MultiversX ESDTs).