Sovereign services
API service
The Sovereign API is a wrapper over the Sovereign Proxy that brings a robust caching mechanism, alongside Elasticsearch historical queries support, tokens media support, delegation & staking data, and many others.
Lite Extras API
The Sovereign Lite Extras API includes a faucet service that allows users to obtain test tokens for their wallet.
Lite Wallet
The Sovereign Lite Wallet is a lightweight version of the public wallet. It supports key functionalities such as cross-chain transfers, token issuance, token transfers, and more.
Explorer DApp
The Explorer DApp serves as the blockchain explorer for the Sovereign Chain, providing insights into transactions, blocks, and other on-chain activity.
Software dependencies
Download Node.js or use a version manager like NVM
To install yarn, use the following command:
npm install --global yarn
To install and start redis, use the following commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install redis
sudo systemctl start redis
sudo systemctl enable redis