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This page describes the structure of the sc-deploys index (Elasticsearch), and also depicts a few examples of how to query it.


The _id field of this index is represented by a bech32 encoded smart contract address.


deployTxHashThe deployTxHash holds the hex encoded hash of the transaction that deployed the smart contract.
deployerThe address field holds the address in bech32 encoding of the smart contract deployer.
timestampThe timestamp field represents the timestamp of the block in which the smart contract was deployed.
upgradesThe upgrades field holds a list with details about the upgrades of the smart contract.

The upgrades field is populated with the fields below:

upgrades fieldsDescription
upgraderThe upgrader field holds the bech32 encoded address of the sender of the contract upgrade transaction.
upgradeTxHashThe upgradeTxHash field holds the hex encoded hash of the contract upgrade transaction.
timestampThe timestamp field represents the timestamp of the block in which the smart contract was upgraded.

Query examples

Fetch details about a smart contract

curl --request GET \
--url ${ES_URL}/scdeploys/_search \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"query": {
"match": {