This page describes the structure of the operations
index (Elasticsearch), and also depicts a few examples of how to query it.
The _id field of this index is represented by the transactions OR smart contract result hash, in a hexadecimal encoding.
Field | Description |
miniBlockHash | The miniBlockHash field represents the hash of the miniblock in which the transaction was included. |
nonce | The nonce field represents the transaction sequence number of the sender address. |
round | The round field represents the round of the block when the transaction was executed. |
value | The value field represents the amount of EGLD to be sent from the sender to the receiver. |
receiver | The receiver field represents the destination address of the transaction. |
sender | The sender field represents the address of the transaction sender. |
receiverShard | The receiverShard field represents the shard ID of the receiver address. |
senderShard | The senderShard field represents the shard ID of the sender address. |
gasPrice | The gasPrice field represents the amount to be paid for each gas unit. |
gasLimit | The gasLimit field represents the maximum gas units the sender is willing to pay for. |
gasUsed | The gasUsed field represents the amount of gas used by the transaction. |
fee | The fee field represents the amount of EGLD the sender paid for the transaction. |
initialPaidFee | The initialPaidFee field represents the initial amount of EGLD the sender paid for the transaction, before the refund. |
data | The data field holds additional information for a transaction. It can contain a simple message, a function call, an ESDT transfer payload, and so on. |
signature | The signature of the transaction, hex-encoded. |
timestamp | The timestamp field represents the timestamp of the block in which the transaction was executed. |
status | The status field represents the status of the transaction. |
senderUserName | The senderUserName field represents the username of the sender address. |
receiverUserName | The receiverUserName field represents the username of the receiver address. |
hasScResults | The hasScResults field is true if the transaction has smart contract results. |
isScCall | The isScCall field is true if the transaction is a smart contract call. |
hasOperations | The hasOperations field is true if the transaction has smart contract results. |
tokens | The tokens field contains a list of ESDT tokens that are transferred based on the data field. The indices from the tokens list are linked with the indices from esdtValues list. |
esdtValues | The esdtValues field contains a list of ESDT values that are transferred based on the data field. |
receivers | The receivers field contains a list of receiver addresses in case of ESDTNFTTransfer or MultiESDTTransfer. |
receiversShardIDs | The receiversShardIDs field contains a list of receiver addresses' shard IDs. |
type | The type field represents the type of the transaction based on the data field. |
operation | The operation field represents the operation of the transaction based on the data field. |
function | The function field holds the name of the function that is called in case of a smart contract call. |
isRelayed | The isRelayed field is true if the transaction is a relayed transaction. |
version | The version field represents the version of the transaction. |
hasLogs | The hasLogs field is true if the transaction has logs. |
This index contains both transactions and smart contract results. This is useful because one can query both of them in a single request.
The unified structure will contain an extra field in order to be able to differentiate between them.
Field | Description |
type | It can be normal in case of a transaction and unsigned in case of a smart contract result. |
Query examples
Fetch the latest transactions of an address
curl --request GET \
--url ${ES_URL}/operations/_search \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"type": "normal"
"should": [
"match": {
"sender": "erd..."
"match": {
"receiver": "erd..."
"match": {
"receivers": "erd..."
"sort": [
"timestamp": {
"order": "desc"
Fetch the latest operations of an address
curl --request GET \
--url ${ES_URL}/operations/_search \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"sender": "${ADDRESS}"
"match": {
"receiver": "${ADDRESS}"
"match": {
"receivers": "${ADDRESS}"
"sort": [
"timestamp": {
"order": "desc"
Fetch all the smart contract results generated by a transaction
curl --request GET \
--url ${ES_URL}/operations/_search \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"originalTxHash": "d6.."
"match": {
"type": "unsigned"