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This page describes the structure of the operations index (Elasticsearch), and also depicts a few examples of how to query it.


The _id field of this index is represented by the transactions OR smart contract result hash, in a hexadecimal encoding.


This index contains both transactions and smart contract results. This is useful because one can query both of them in a single request.

The unified structure will contain an extra field in order to be able to differentiate between them.

typeIt can be normal in case of a transaction and unsigned in case of a smart contract result.

Query examples

Fetch the latest operations of an address


curl --request GET \
--url ${ES_URL}/operations/_search \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"sender": "${ADDRESS}"
"match": {
"receiver": "${ADDRESS}"
"match": {
"receivers": "${ADDRESS}"
"sort": [
"timestamp": {
"order": "desc"