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Observing Squad

The N+1 setup for connecting to the MultiversX Network

In order to integrate with the MultiversX Network and be able to broadcast transactions and query blockchain data in an optimized approach, one needs to set up an on-premises Observing Squad.

An Observing Squad is defined as a set of N Observer Nodes (one for each Shard, including the Metachain) plus an MultiversX Proxy instance which will connect to these Observers and provide an HTTP API (by delegating requests to the Observers).


Currently the MultiversX Mainnet has 3 Shards, plus the Metachain. Therefore, the Observing Squad is composed of 4 Observers and one Proxy instance.

By setting up an Observing Squad and querying the blockchain data through the Proxy, the particularities of MultiversX's sharded architecture are abstracted away. This means that the client interacting with the Proxy does not have to be concerned about sharding at all.

System requirements

The Observing Squad can be installed on multiple machines or on a single, but more powerful machine.

In case of a single machine, our recommendation is as follows:

  • 16 x CPU
  • 32 GB RAM
  • Disk space that can grow up to 5 TB
  • 100 Mbit/s always-on Internet connection
  • Linux OS (Ubuntu 20.04 recommended)

The recommended number of CPUs has been updated from 8 to 16 in April 2021, considering the increasing load over the network.


These specs are only a recommendation. Depending on the load over the API or the observers, one should upgrade the machine as to keep the squad synced and with good performance.

Setup via the Mainnet scripts


elrond-go-scripts-mainnet are deprecated as of November 2022. Please use mx-chain-scripts, explained below.

Setup via mx-chain-scripts

Installation and Configuration

The Observing Squad can be set up using the installation scripts. Within the installation process, the DBLookupExtension feature (required by the Hyperblock API) will be enabled by default.

Clone the installer repository:

git clone

Edit config/variables.cfg accordingly. For example:


Additionally, you might want to set the following option, so that the logs are saved within the logs folder of the node:


Please check that the CUSTOM_HOME directory exists. Run the installation script as follows:

./ observing_squad

After installation, 5 new systemd units will be available (and enabled).

Start the nodes and the Proxy using the command:

./ start

In order to check the status of the Observing Squad, please see the section Monitoring and trivial checks below.

Upgrading the Observing Squad

The Observing Squad can be updated using the installation scripts.

General upgrade procedure


elrond-go-scripts-mainnet are deprecated as of November 2022. Users of these scripts have to migrate to mx-chain-scripts. The migration guide can he found here.

In order to upgrade the Observing Squad - that is, both the Observers and the Proxy, one should issue the following commands:

$ cd ~/mx-chain-scripts
$ ./ github_pull
$ ./ stop
$ ./ upgrade_squad
$ ./ upgrade_proxy
$ ./ start

After running the commands above, the upgraded Observing Squad will start again. The expected downtime is about 2-3 minutes.

February 2023 upgrade


For observing squad users that still use the old elrond-go-scripts: since the rebranding to MultiversX, the scripts have been rebranded as well to mx-chain-scripts.

In order to upgrade the squad, you first need to migrate to the new scripts, while still running the squad via the old scripts. After that, we'll use the new scripts to upgrade the squad.

How to migrate to the new scripts

If you already migrated from elrond-go-scripts to mx-chain-scripts, you can skip this section.

Make sure you are on the same directory as the old scripts.

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd mx-chain-scripts
$ ./ migrate

The above commands should clone the new scripts and migrate the old configuration files to the new ones. You may now proceed to the next section.

How to upgrade to the newest version via the new scripts

In order to upgrade the squad, we first need to stop the squad, then upgrade the squad and finally start the squad again. These steps are done by:

$ cd ~/mx-chain-scripts
$ ./ github_pull
$ ./ stop
$ ./ upgrade_squad
$ ./ upgrade_proxy
$ ./ start

After successfully migrating to the new scripts and upgrading the squad, you can now remove the old scripts. (example: rm -rf ~/elrond-go-scripts)

Monitoring and trivial checks

One can monitor the running Observers using the termui utility (installed during the setup process itself in the CUSTOM_HOME="/home/ubuntu" folder), as follows:

~/elrond-utils/termui --address localhost:8080    # Shard 0
~/elrond-utils/termui --address localhost:8081 # Shard 1
~/elrond-utils/termui --address localhost:8082 # Shard 2
~/elrond-utils/termui --address localhost:8083 # Metachain

Alternatively, one can query the status of the Observers by performing GET requests using curl:

curl http://localhost:8080/node/status | jq    # Shard 0
curl http://localhost:8081/node/status | jq # Shard 1
curl http://localhost:8082/node/status | jq # Shard 2
curl http://localhost:8083/node/status | jq # Metachain

The Proxy does not offer a termui monitor, but its activity can be inspected using journalctl:

journalctl -f -u elrond-proxy.service

Optionally, one can perform the following smoke test in order to fetch the latest synchronized hyperblock:

export NONCE=$(curl http://localhost:8079/network/status/4294967295 | jq '.data["status"]["erd_highest_final_nonce"]')
curl http://localhost:8079/hyperblock/by-nonce/$NONCE | jq

Setup via Docker

The Observing Squad can be also set up using Docker.

Clone the Observing Squad repository:

git clone

Install docker-compose if not already installed:

apt install docker-compose

Install and run the whole Observing Squad using the ./ script from the mainnet folder:

cd mainnet

In order to check if the Observing Squad is running, you can list the running containers:

docker ps

In order to check the status inside a container, you can check the logs on the machine for the last synchronized block nonce:

docker exec -it 'CONTAINER ID' /bin/bash
cat logs/mx-chain-.......log

More detailed commands for installing, building and running an Observing Squad using Docker are described here. The images (for the Proxy and for the Observers) are published on Docker Hub.

One click deploy in Tencent Cloud

Tencent Cloud nodes for Full Observing Squads can be easily deployed from the Tencent Cloud Market.

One click deploy in Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean droplets for Full Observing Squads can be easily deployed via our droplets available in the Digital Ocean Marketplace.